NSF-supported Workshops and Talk Story Sessions
Following a format introduced at the ICLDC 2017, we are including a 90-minute block on Thursday, Friday and Saturday to be dedicated to two alternative conference activities: Workshops and Talk Story discussions. We invite submissions for Workshops and Talk Story session topics/facilitators addressing the conference theme of “Connecting Communities, Languages & Technology.”
Talk Story sessions
Introduced at ICLDC 2017 in response to participant feedback, ICLDC 2019 will again have “Talk Story” sessions. These discussions will be led by an expert discussant and limited to 20-30 attendees per session. Each Talk Story will be repeated on three days of the conference, allowing ample opportunity for conference attendees to participate in the Talk Story sessions of their choice. Talk Story sessions are meant to be fully interactive for participants, rather than a one-directional presentation of information. This format may be particularly appropriate for discussion of the challenges of technology and its role in language reclamation and language documentation.
We also welcome proposals for Workshops on topics broadly relating to language and technology, particularly where it impacts communities. Each 90-minute workshop will be held twice over three days of the conference, allowing multiple opportunities for interested attendees to participate. Workshops will accommodate a larger number of participants and are intended to be more presentational and instructional in style than the Talk Story sessions. Appropriate workshop topics will be related to the conference theme and may include instruction in use of software tools, development of new software tools, development of web technologies, novel methods for digital hardware tools, etc.
NSF support details
Thanks to generous support from the US National Science Foundation Documenting Endangered Languages Program, we are able to offer travel assistance up to US$2000 for each selected Workshop and Talk Story session. Funds will be provided as (partial) flight reimbursements, hotel nights, or per diem payments, to be determined by the ICLDC Executive Committee. In the event that a Workshop or Talk Story Session is jointly presented by more than one individual, the presenter team will inform the ICLDC Executive Committee how to divide the award across the presenters. As a condition of acceptance, workshop and talk story presenters agree to acknowledge the support of the National Science Foundation in the presentations and in future iterations of related research.
Abstract Submission
How to prepare your proposal
NSF-supported Workshops and Talk Story Sessions
Following a format introduced at the ICLDC 2017, we are including a 90-minute block on Thursday, Friday and Saturday to be dedicated to two alternative conference activities: Workshops and Talk Story discussions. We invite submissions for Workshops and Talk Story session topics/facilitators addressing the conference theme of “Connecting Communities, Languages & Technology.”
Talk Story sessions
Introduced at ICLDC 2017 in response to participant feedback, ICLDC 2019 will again have “Talk Story” sessions. These discussions will be led by an expert discussant and limited to 20-30 attendees per session. Each Talk Story will be repeated on three days of the conference, allowing ample opportunity for conference attendees to participate in the Talk Story sessions of their choice. Talk Story sessions are meant to be fully interactive for participants, rather than a one-directional presentation of information. This format may be particularly appropriate for discussion of the challenges of technology and its role in language reclamation and language documentation.
We also welcome proposals for Workshops on topics broadly relating to language and technology, particularly where it impacts communities. Each 90-minute workshop will be held twice over three days of the conference, allowing multiple opportunities for interested attendees to participate. Workshops will accommodate a larger number of participants and are intended to be more presentational and instructional in style than the Talk Story sessions. Appropriate workshop topics will be related to the conference theme and may include instruction in use of software tools, development of new software tools, development of web technologies, novel methods for digital hardware tools, etc.
NSF support details
Thanks to generous support from the US National Science Foundation Documenting Endangered Languages Program, we are able to offer travel assistance up to US$2000 for each selected Workshop and Talk Story session. Funds will be provided as (partial) flight reimbursements, hotel nights, or per diem payments, to be determined by the ICLDC Executive Committee. In the event that a Workshop or Talk Story Session is jointly presented by more than one individual, the presenter team will inform the ICLDC Executive Committee how to divide the award across the presenters. As a condition of acceptance, workshop and talk story presenters agree to acknowledge the support of the National Science Foundation in the presentations and in future iterations of related research.
Abstract Submission
- Abstracts should be submitted in English, but presentations can be in any language. We particularly welcome presentations in languages of the region discussed.
- Authors may submit no more than one individual and one co-authored proposal (including participation in a Workshop or Talk Story Session proposal), or no more than two co-authored proposals. In no case may an author submit more than one individually-authored proposal.
- Proposals for the NSF-sponsored Workshops and Talk Story Sessions are due by June 30, 2018, with notification of acceptance by July 31, 2018.
- We will not be accepting any proposals for panel presentations or colloquia.
- Selected authors will be invited to submit their conference papers to the journal Language Documentation & Conservation for publication.
How to prepare your proposal
- Content: Proposals should describe the content of the Workshop or Talk Story, including the intended audience and how it relates to the conference theme.
- Length: Please limit your proposal to 400 words, not including references.
- Biography: Please include a 100-word biography describing the qualifications of each presenter.
- Format: Please submit your abstract as a PDF file.
Proposal review criteria
- Appropriateness of the topic: Does the abstract address an appropriate aspect of language documentation and conservation?
- Presentation: Is the abstract well written? Does it suggest that the workshop/talk story session will be well organized and clearly presented?
- Importance of the topic: Is this an important topic within the area? Is the workshop/talk story session likely to make an original contribution to knowledge in the field? Will it stimulate discussion?
- May 1, 2018: Call for Proposals announced
- June 30, 2018: Proposals for Workshops and Talk Story Sessions deadline
- July 31, 2018: Notification of acceptance to Workshops and Talk Story Sessions
- August 31, 2018: Proposal deadline for general papers, posters, and technology showcases
- October 1, 2018: Notification of acceptance for general papers, posters, and technology showcases
- October 1, 2018: Early registration opens
- December 1, 2018: Early registration deadline. Regular registration continues until full.
- February 28 - March 3, 2019: 6th ICLDC
Questions? Feel free to contact us at [email protected]